Frozen Basil, Garlic & EVOO make cooking a breeze!

If you have never tried Clean Eating or even have heard of it.. here’s the scoop.  Clean Eating is simply eating foods that are as minimally processed if not completely UNprocessed.  So no high-fructose corn syrup, heavy salt, fats, no ingredients that you need a dictionary to figure out.  Just plain and simple: Food.

Everyone today thinks that gardening is the trendy thing to do and that it’s ok to eat out every night of the week and have a date night where you stay in.  Hey to each their own, but for me, I was taught from a young age to cook and that you eat at home so that date nights can be around someone else’s table.  Having said this, you would think that Clean Eating would be super easy for me since I already cook all the time.  Well, it can be easier.  Honestly there are so many processed foods these days, Clean Eating is more of a lifestyle you must learn.

One of the biggest culprits for those who struggle with Clean Eating is lack of preparation.  Well, with this new mama, everything is about pre-prep these days.  I found this great pin on Pinterest about freezing herbs and it’s worked great!

I bought two of the BEST Basil plants I’ve ever had at the St. Cloud Area Farmer’s Market this past spring.  I cannot believe how they have flourished, even in our 100 degree plus weather!  But, alas, summer weather is headin’ out and Fall weather’s a-comin. This means, I need to get the most of my plants now.

So first things first…

I cut myself a bunch of Basil from my plants, which was great since with Timothy’s arrival, I’ve been neglecting them a bit and they were getting a bit overgrown :/  I took all the leaves from the stems and put them in a food processor.

Then I whirred em up in the processor. As the processor was doing it’s magic I drizzled in the EVOO.  Now remember, these will be frozen so I can just toss them into a pan for a great starter or even added to pasta sauce, so there’s a pretty good amount of EVOO that goes in.

I could have left it at that, but opted to add minced garlic as well.

These are the Martha Stewart ones. I found them at Macy’s

Now, I spooned the mixture evenly into a silicon ice cube tray, placed it on a place, which I then put in a ziplock to keep the strong odors out of my freezer, and laid them flatt in the freezer!

Once Frozen, I popped each cube out and stored it in a ziplock :) Tada! note..the center cube didn’t freeze as i may leave that one empty in the future.

Happy Clean Eating!